Friday, December 6, 2013

Welcome to Simply Angela

Hello Lovelies!

Welcome to Simply Angela!

I hope that you are all warm, happy, and healthy with a tbr pile that would make others envious!

As you may have noticed, Renee’s Reads is no more—well, at least the title and url—the blog still remains, it’s just under a different name, Simply Angela, and url. When I started Renee’s Reads my focus was solely on book reviews—and I am still going to have a wealth of book reviews as well as book/author related content on Simply Angela—but over the years my style of blogging has changed and I thought a name change for my blog was very apropos.

My posting has been sporadic and spare, but I intend for that change since I have Royal Reviews finally under control.

Now, for a bit of an update!

Winter storm Cleon has made its way to Ohio. My part of Ohio has been getting rain on and off all morning and finally gave way to snow. It’s a bit daunting when the weathermen are even afraid to predict how much ice and snow we will get. As schools in the area have already been called off, everyone is looking for things to get pretty bad fairly fast as was apparent in the craziness of the stores this morning. Apparently everyone was in a mad rush to buy the needed supplies. As long as I have a way to heat up water for tea and batteries for my reading light, I’m fine! (I know, I’m a bit odd…but as long as I have a hot cuppa—or preferably a pot of— tea and a book, I can withstand just about anything.)

In bloglandia, I recently joined two amazing reading challenges: 2014 Full House Reading challenge hosted by Book Date and Lucky No. 14 Reading Challenge hosted by Books To Share. If I find another one or two that catches my fancy, I may join—it just depends. I thought they would be a great way to cut down my trb pile, which has turned into a tbr mountain. If I’m being honest, my tbr read pile mountain has grown so rapidly pretty soon it will be getting its own zip code, and those are just the books I’ve purchased!

Next week, I will have a few Christmas related reviews, so make sure you check back to see what reviews I post and goodies I have to offer!
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