Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Kitchen Success: Bloomin’ Onion Bread

Hello lovelies! I hope you all are well! It has been a crazy few days around here.
Friday, I decided to try my hand at tumbling down the stairs on my bottom. Other than a lovely little eggplant-colored bruise on my derriere and a pulled muscle, the only thing that was injured was my pride. Honestly, if falling up—and down—the steps were an Olympic sport, I would be the gold medalist.
I was supposed to post an guest post today although it didn’t arrive so I’m scramble mode today so I thought I would share with you a recipe I tried out.

A few weeks ago, I finally got around to trying the Bloomin’ Onion Bread that the wickedly talented Anna @ Herding Cats and Burning Soup whipped up. To see the recipe click HERE
I did switch out a few things. I used a Rustic Tuscan loaf and the orphan Irish cheeses that I had left over from another dish that I made. Rather than using butter, I used about ½ cup of olive oil, which I brushed on.

Oh, my buttered buns, this was delicious. It was the perfect starter and I loved the medley of cheese flavors. Each piece was divinely cheesy. Next time I try this, I’m going to make it with a pasta dish and add in a bit garlic powder to the olive oil.



  1. Oh yeah it would be great with pasta. I love that you can mix and match cheeses and spices with it for a new experience each time :) So glad you enjoyed it!

    And oh man. The stairs. I'm excellent at falling up them too. Hope your bits are feeling better soon!

  2. Ouch! My basement stairs own me too so I had sympathy pains for you. Glad it wasn't worse than it was, Angela.

    But yummo! Your bread looks awesome. I like the healthier olive oil substitute idea. I want to eventually try this one too. Anna's recipes always sound good to me too.

  3. I can't wait to play around with this recipe and see what I can make with it..

    I am such a klutz to the point my doctor said the best thing for me would be a plastic bubble.

  4. I'm not overly fond of butter, so when I can, I try to substitute olive oil.


I simply love reading your comments! Thanks for stopping by! -Angela