Friday, September 8, 2017

Rapid Fire Book Tag

I’ve been wanting to add something a bit different to the blog lately and there’s been so many of these fun little book tags floating around, I decided to give them a go.

The Rapid Fire book tag has been popping up on a few blogs recently and it looked intriguing. The original tag can be found here @ The Bibliophile Girl.
E-Book Or Physical Book?
Physical Book because there’s nothing like that new book smell or the feel of turning actual pages.

Paperback Or Hardback?
Nothing beats a lovely new Hardback, plus I don’t have to worry about the spines cracking. Seriously, there’s nothing worse than a cracked spine. And they look so lush sitting on my bookshelf.

Online Or In-Store Book Shopping?
In-Store. That book smell is soothing to the soul and there always a fellow bookworm to chat up. 
Trilogies Or Series?
Series because three books is never enough.
Heroes Or Villains?
A redeemable villain because everyone loves a bad boy.

A Book You Want Everyone To Read?

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte #TheoriginalTeamEdward

Recommend An Underrated Author?

Loretta Ross, cozy mystery writer who entwines heavier/more meaningful plots into her cozies.

The Last Book You Finished?

The Scot Beds His Wife by Kerrigan Byrne (out October 3, 2017)
Weirdest Thing You’ve Used As A Bookmark?
A smooth slab of serpentine (gemstone) that I intended to make a necklace out of until I accidentally broke it.
Used Books: Yes Or No?
If in good condition, yes. Some of my rare King Henry VIII and Tudor nonfiction books have been used.

Top Three Favourite Genres?
Romance, Mysteries, and Nonfiction. Although those can change given my mood.

Borrow Or Buy?
Buy. I can’t even recall the last time I borrowed a book.

Character Or Plot?
Character because they make or break the book. The plot can be amazing but if I don’t mesh with the characters, or they’re out there in left field, or they’re as annoying as sin, or just TSTL the grand plot is for naught.

Long Or Short Books?
Depends on my mood. If a long book grabs my attention, I can have it read no time and if a short book bores the pants off me, it can take me weeks (Summer on Firefly Lake, I’m looking at you. The longest 331 pages I’ve ever read.)

Name The First Three Books You Think Of
Maybe I Do by Nicole McLaughlin (because I just finished writing my review)
Outlander by Diana Gabaldon (because Jamie Fraser is always on my mind)
Breaching the Contract by Chantal Fernando (because it’s next on my TBR pile)

Books That Make You Laugh Or Cry?
Anything by Emma Chase, Molly Harper, Alison Clayton will have me laughing out loud in public places.
I’m not really a crier but Nearest Thing to Heaven by Lynnette Austin brought up all the feels.

Audiobooks: Yes Or No?
If the narrator is good, then yes. A bad narrator can ruin a good book.

Do You Ever Judge A Book By Its Cover?
I do! The cover’s the first thing that catches my eye.

Book To Movie Or Book To TV?
Neither does the books much justice but if I had to choose, then Book to TV that way I get to watch my favorite characters every week.

A Movie Or TV Show That You Preferred To The Book?
Austenland. It was spunkier and more mature than the book.

Series Or Standalones?
Series because one is never enough.

So, that was that, Lovelies, and it was a blast to do. Rather than tagging anyone, I’m just going to say jump in if you want.


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