Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Book Un-Haul Round 1

It’s started…the great book un-haul. I’m surrounded by books and, while I wouldn’t mind living in a library, I need to have a bit of a sort out and get my books organized. While I’ll never be a minimalist, especially when it comes to books, this un-haul is a must.


What am I getting rid of?

Duplicates. I didn’t realize I have so many duplicates. Occasionally I pick up special editions of books, which I don’t mind, but I have several copies of random mass-markets and trade paperbacks that I will be un-hauling.

Books I have on audio or e-book. I’m not getting rid of every book I have on audio/e-book but I will be un-hauling the books I would rather listen to or won’t read in physical form.

Books I won’t read again/didn’t like. There’s so many books that, while I enjoyed them, I know I won’t read them again and I can’t justify keeping them. The same goes for books that I read and didn’t like.

Books I have no interest in reading. My TBR pile is more like a mountain and it’s completely out of control. One of the new features of the blog will be the series ‘Read It or Un-haul It’ where I’ll pick four books from my TBR totes, read the first few chapters then decide if I’ll read it or un-haul it.


What am I doing with the books?

The books will go to family, friends, and the Little Free Libraries in my area. If I un-haul a special edition, I’ll probably post it for sell.


To make sure the books go where they’re supposed to, I have boxes that I’m filling for friends/family and a tote bag for the Little Free Library books. Once the boxes are filled, I take them out to the car so I can drop them off the next time I’m out. The books for the Little Free Libraries are dropped off every Friday. 



  1. Watching You by Lisa Jewell
  2. Such a Quiet Place by Megan Miranda
  3. For Your Own Good by Samantha Downing
  4. Not by Boy by Kelly Simmons (DNF)
  5. The Lantern by Deborah Lawrenson (DNF)
  6. Nobody’s Princess by Erica Ridley (extra copy)
  7. Secrets by Fern Michaels (DNF)
  8. No Way Out by Fern Michaels (DNF)
  9. Something in the Heir by Suzanne Enoch (extra copy)
  10.  Nuts by Alice Clayton
  11.  Cream of the Crop by Alice Clayton
  12.  Buns by Alice Clayton
  13.  The End of Her by Sheri Lapena
  14.  Justified by Jay Crownover
  15.  Moondance Beach by Susan Donovan (DNF)
  16.  Unbroken Cowboy by Maisey Yates
  17.  Sustained by Emma Chase
  18.  Overruled by Emma Chase
  19.  Appealed by Emma Chase
  20.  Sidebarred by Emma Chase
  21. Breaching the Contract by Chantal Fernando
  22.  Seducing the Defendant by Chantal Fernando
  23.  Death at the Party by Amy Stuart
  24.  Enchant the Dawn by Amanda Ashley (DNF)
  25. Gimme Some Sugar by Molly Harper  (have audiobook)
  26.  Sweet Tea and Sympathy by Molly Harper (have audiobook)
  27.  The Crossing Places by Elly Griffiths (extra copy)
  28.  The Janus Stone by Elly Griffiths (extra copy)
  29.  The House at Sea’s End by Elly Griffiths (extra copy)

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Nine Month Contract by Amy Daws

Help Wanted: Grumpy Mountain Man seeks baby momma. Job is an incubator position only. Surrogate must be impervious to grunting in the form of communication and nosey brotherly neighbors. Rustic mountain range housing available upon request.

I wanted to pummel my irritating brothers when they posted their own version of a wanted ad to help me with my life.

But I can’t fault the results once the right woman lands on my lap.

Becoming a single father is not a decision I made lightly. In fact, it’s the biggest decision of my entire life.

Which is why when I interview Trista, I know she’s perfect.

She’s wild, she’s opinionated, she wears cowboy boots. Even my pet goat loves her…

She’s the exact type of person I was holding out for.

And to my great horror, I realize on our first night of attempting this baby making dance…when the lights are low, the cheap wine is flowing, and the home insemination supplies are laid out on the kitchen counter…

I want to do a lot more than just make her my surrogate.

I want to make her mine.

Series: Mountain Men Matchmakers #1 | Publisher: Amy Daws | Narrators: Erin Mallon, Teddy Hamilton (duet) | Length: 10 hours 45 minutes |  Genre: Contemporary Romance  | Source: Purchased | Rating: 1

Have you ever scrolled Audible trying to use up your last few credits before your memberships ends and ended up throwing something random in your cart because it looked okay and you were tired of scrolling? That’s exactly how I ended up with Nine Month Contract and…I have regrets. 

Wanting a baby without the complications of a girlfriend, Wyatt heads to the surrogate center although he’s unable to connect to the right surrogate. When his niece runs into Trista, she seems the perfect person for the job. Trista’s looking for a way to earn a little money and this seems like the perfect job, plus it comes with free housing. Although Wyatt’s niece has ulterior motives, while she knows Trista’s perfect to carry Wyatt child, she’s also perfect for Wyatt, if she can get past his grump demeanor and Trista can overcome her fear of depending on someone.

 I wanted a cute little story and this just ended up being weird and slightly icky.

 There was banter between Trista and Wyatt and some of it was comical but the majority felt forced. I liked Wyatt, to a point. He has some issues that he’s trying to deal with and, honestly, I’m not sure he had it together enough to want to be a father. Trista was just annoying and very immature. I really struggled with Trista’s desire to become a surrogate, and egg donor, given the way she feels abandoned by her own parent and how she has allowed this feeling to control the way she lives her life. And her behavior towards Wyatt was unacceptable.

 The relationship between Trista and Wyatt was just odd. While there’s a ‘sexuationship’, as Trista calls it, there’s no actual development on the page and I struggled to see that they were more than just bed buddies. I couldn’t feel the chemistry between them. This one is spicy but it’s weird to the point of being icky. I just found them constantly calling it ‘pregnancy kink’ to be off-putting.

 The surrogate situation was off and not entirely ethical. While the author does mention that she consulted the surrogate community, I don’t feel that to be true as I feel this book demeans surrogacy.

Just a few bits of weirdness in the book include:

-The fact Wyatt allows his 18 year-old niece to search for his surrogate.

-Odd use of dressing/dip cups and children’s medicine syringes.

-Trista constantly saying she a ‘cow’.

-The constant use of the term ‘pregnancy kink’.

-The icky analogies such as Trista’s icky description of her new mattress,  “I swear it was crafted out of the foreskin of newborn babies it’s so comfortable. Not that foreskin is comfortable. I wouldn’t know, I guess. But I venture to bet it’s soft. Adult penis skin is crazy soft. At least what I remember of it. It’s been a while since I’ve touched a penis.”

Overall, this book just isn’t for me. 

Monday, August 12, 2024

A Room Full of Bone by Elly Griffiths

When Ruth Galloway arrives to supervise the opening of a coffin containing the bones of a medieval bishop, she finds the museum’s curator lying dead on the floor. Soon after, the museum’s wealthy owner is also found dead, in his stables.

DCI Harry Nelson is called in to investigate, thrusting him into Ruth’s path once more. When threatening letters come to light, events take an even more sinister turn. But as Ruth’s friends become involved, where will her loyalties lie? As her convictions are tested, Ruth and Nelson must discover how Aboriginal skulls, drug smuggling, and the mystery of the “Dreaming” hold the answers to these deaths, as well as the keys to their own survival.

Series: Ruth Galloway Mysteries #4 | Publisher: William Marrow Paperbacks | Genre: Mystery | Source: Publisher | Rating: 2.5

While I’m always eager to pick up a Ruth Galloway mystery, sadly, this one wasn’t my favorite.

This one wasn’t horrible, it wasn’t even a bad book, but I do feel as though some of the plot was out of place and didn’t fit into this series, which gave the book a disjointed feel. One of my favorite things about this series is the way it combines history, mystery, and archeology and while the mystery was there, the history and archeology fell flat.

What I enjoyed about this book is the personal aspect. There’s a lot going on with Ruth, Nelson, and his wife. I’m not going to get into everything as I don’t want to ruin the book for readers. They’re trying to figure how to navigate things in a professional aspect only rather than the friendship they had before. There’s also someone who has re-entered Ruth’s life and I hope it’s developed throughout the series because they are really good together. I think it would be a healthy relationship for Ruth.

Overall, I struggled a bit with this one. I found it hard to get in to and parts of the plot failed to hold my attention. I picked this one up on June 16, read a few chapters, and had to force myself to pick back up at the end of June.

While I’m struggling to recommend to this one, it is important to read each book in the series in order to understand the dynamics. Read this one to see how Ruth’s personal life is evolving. 

Sunday, August 11, 2024

The Sunday Post August 11, 2024

 Hello, Lovelies, and happy Sunday, I hope you’re all doing fantastic.

It’s been a minute since I’ve sat down and wrote up a Sunday Post. Here’s what I’ve been up to while I was away from the blog.


In January, I started 2 continued education courses (on-line) from Oxford University. Originally, I had signed on for one course (Death in Tudor England) then discovered that this was the last time they were offering another course I was interested in (The Mysteries of Mary, Queen of Scots). As someone with a degree in Tudor/Renaissance History, I couldn’t pass up the second course. I didn’t realize just how time consuming taking both courses (as well as working a full-time job) would be so, unfortunately, the blog ended up falling behind. I finished both courses and handed my dissertations in at the end of May.

I decided to take some ‘me time’ during June and July, which included stepping away from the computer, which I needed. I attended a few events (Celtic Fest and a DIY Hat Making Bar at a local shop), a couple birthday parties, and spent time with friends. I also binged some shows (Bridgerton, Discovery of Witches, Coupling, to name a few) and tackled a few projects. 

I’ve also had some health things going on. My allergies have been all over the place. Seasonal allergies have been horrible this year so the allergist swapped my meds and I ended up being extremely allergic to my new allergy meds. My food allergies have also changed and now I’m allergic to foods that were previously safe to eat. It’s been fun the last couple of months.


I need to get back to my decluttering and organizing. This week I plan to get started on my walk-in closet. There’s so much that I need to sort through: clothes, shoes, games, bedding, towels, throw blankets and more. I picked up a few storage pieces last week and need to see what else I need to buy. There’s also a few wall shelves I need to hang.


I’m so excited to get back to the blog. I’ve missed posting and I’ve missed visiting everyone’s blogs. I’m excited to see what everyone’s been up to and what you've been reading.

I’ve spent the last few days writing and scheduling posts. I’ve also been thinking about what I want my blog to look like, content-wise. While I my primary focus will be reviews, I want to add other content as well and I’m trying to sort out what that content should be.


My reading has changed up a bit this year. While I’m still reviewing ARCs and Reader Copies, I’ve been working my way through my TBR mountain. I started the year with a list of series that I wanted to finish or work on and I’ve added to that throughout the year. I’m happy to say I’m making decent progress.

I’m also happy to report that I’m back in my romance-reading era. It’s been a minute but I think the Bridgerton series rekindled my enjoyment of this genre.  


I’ve started the process of decluttering my books. I’m mainly focused on decluttering the books I have multiple copies of, books I won’t reread/didn’t like, and books that I’m not interested in reading.  

To make sure that the books go where they need to (friends/family/little free library) and not sit around for who knows how long, I separate them into tote bags or boxes and stick them in the car so I can drop them off the next time I’m out. This has really been helping to make sure things don’t pile up around the house.

Book Haul            

I went a little wild with my book buying the last few months. In my defense, Ollies had great deals, the Book Outlet had an amazing fiction sale, then they sent me a 10$ off coupon in my order that I had to use, and several of my pre-orders came in.

Ollies Haul  

t’s In His Kiss (Bridgerton #7) by Julia Quinn

The Other Miss Bridgerton (A Bridgerton Prequel) by Julia Quinn

Because of Miss Bridgerton (A Bridgerton Prequel) by Julia Quinn

The Girl with the Make-Believe Husband (A Bridgerton Prequel) by Julia Quinn

When We Were Vikings by Andrew David MacDonald

Follow Me to Ground by Sue Rainsford

The Catalogue of Shipwrecked Books (nonfiction) by Edward Wilson-Lee

Book Outlet (order 1)

Vengeance of the Pirate Queen by Tricia Levenseller

The Weaver and the Witch Queen by Genevieve Gornichec (2 copies, 1 was a gift)

The Janus Stone by Elly Griffiths (replacement copy)

The Night Hawks by Elly Griffiths (replacement copy)

The Crossing Place by Elly Griffiths (replacement copy)

The House at Sea’s End by Elly Griffiths (replacement copy)

Book Outlet (order 2)

O Caledonia by Elspeth Barker (2 copies, 1 was a gift)

Do Your Worst by Rosie Danan

A Fragile Enchantment by Allison Saft

The Dead Romantics by Ashley Poston

The Witches of Bone Hill by Ava Morgyn (2 copies, 1 was a gift)


The Wren in the Holly Library by K.A. Linde

Heaven Breaker by Sara Wolf 

The Duke and I & The Viscount Who Loved Me (Special Edition) by Julia Quinn

Apprentice to the Villain (Special Edition) by Hannah Nicole Maehrer

The Black Bird Oracle by Deborah Harkness


The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly or for a monthly wrap up.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Something in the Heir by Suzanne Enoch

Emmeline and William Pershing have enjoyed a perfectly convenient marriage for eight years. Their relationship is a seamless blend of their talents and goals. They’ve settled into separate, well-ordered lives beneath the same roof, and are content to stay that way—or so Emmeline thinks. And if William has secretly longed for a bit more from the woman he adores, he’s managed to be content with her supreme skills as a hostess and planner, which has helped him advance his career.


Then when Emmeline’s grandfather, the reclusive Duke of Welshire, summons them both for his birthday celebration and demands they bring their two little angelic children, William is stunned to discover that his very proper wife invented not one, but two heirs to fulfill the agreement for living at Winnover. But surely if Emmeline and William team up and borrow two cherubs to call their own, what could go wrong? Enter George, age 8, and Rose, 5—the two most unruly orphans in Britain.


As the insanity unfolds, their careful, professional arrangement takes some surprisingly intimate turns as well. Perhaps it takes a bit of madness to create the perfect happily ever after.

 Publisher: Griffin | Genre: Historical  | Source:  Publisher | Rating: 2.5

I’ve been back in my romance-reading groove lately and was craving something historical so I immediately reached for this Suzanne Enoch book, as I absolutely love her historical romances. While I had an okay time, it wasn’t what I was expecting.

To keep her childhood home, Emmeline must marry and she knows the perfect husband: Will Pershing, her best friend whom she’s agreed to help with his political career if he’ll help her with her housing dilemma. There’s only one little problem, they must produce an heir to keep Winnover. Emmeline has the perfect solution; she’s created two perfect children with her pen rather than the traditional way. Things have been going swimmingly until Emmeline’s grandfather, the Duke of Welshire, invites Emmeline and her perfect family to his birthday celebrations. To keep their home they have no choice but to ‘borrow’ two children from the orphanage and hope to rein in their unruly charges before they must appear before the Duke.

This was not what I was expecting when I picked this book up.

While Emmeline and Will have been married 8 years, there’s nothing between them other than a business arrangement. I couldn’t get past their friendship to find the chemistry with them as a couple. The romance and relationship between them was definitely on the backburner and when the author tried to introduce some sort of relationship, it just felt awkward.

I found the antics of George and Rose to be cute and charming. They were two little wild things set loose on a grand house and they get into some interesting situations.

What I didn’t like was the way Will and Emmeline handled the children. They were using them with the sole purpose of keeping their house and career. While I could see Will developing an attachment to the children and showing them affection as the plot progressed, Emmeline was cold, almost cruel at times as she tried to mold them into ‘proper’ children.  The fact that they were viewing this as ‘giving the children a holiday’ from the orphanage and ‘using them as part of a new scheme to train orphans for suitable jobs in the future’ was just cringe-worthy.

It would have made more sense if they just would have adopted the kids and actually showed them affection from the start of the book rather than just planning to borrow the children for a few weeks.

Then there’s whole middle of the book when the children’s older brother shows up and causes chaos that just felt out of place.

I have a few questions. In her letters to family, Emmeline stated that the children were too sickly to be out, which explained why their neighbors hadn’t seen them but what about her family? Given her station, the granddaughter of a duke, and the fact he had a career in politics, they would have had public christenings for both children, even if they were sickly. Did no one in her family question this, especially since it was obligatory that she have heirs in order to keep the house?

Overall, I’m a little conflicted about this book. Yes, it made for a comedic read at times. Was it a romance? Not at all. Was it historical? Yes. Was it believable? Nope. Did I enjoy it? Not really sure. Honestly, this could have been an okay novella, possibly even a short story thrown in the back of a book or in an anthology but it just didn’t work as a full-length novel. 

Thursday, June 27, 2024

The End of Her by Shari Lapena

In upstate New York, Stephanie and Patrick are adjusting to life with their colicky twin babies. The girls are a handful, but Stephanie doesn't mind being a stay-at-home mom, taking care of them while Patrick does the nine to five to pay the bills.


When a woman from Patrick's past drops in on them unexpectedly, raising questions about his late first wife, Stephanie supports her husband wholeheartedly. She knows the car accident all those many years ago was just that--an accident. But Erica is persistent, and now she's threatening to go to the police.


Patrick is afraid his job--and his reputation--will be at risk if he doesn't put an end to Erica's questioning immediately. And when the police start digging, Stephanie's trust in her husband begins to falter and Patrick is primed to lose everything he loves. As their marriage crumbles, Stephanie feels herself coming unglued, and soon she isn't sure what--or who--to believe. Now the most important thing is to protect her girls, but at what cost?

Publisher: Pamela Dorman Books | Genre: Mystery/Thriller  | Source: Publisher  | Rating: 2

This was my pull from the TBR jar for May and it wasn’t a favorite of mine, which was a bit of a disappointment as I’ve heard great things about Shari Lapena’s writing.

While Stephanie and Patrick adjust to life as parents to colicky twins, their lives are rocked when a person from Patrick’s pasts shows up and demands payment for her silence. Although there’s seemingly no proof that Patrick killed his last wife and unborn child that doesn’t stop Erica threatening to go to the police. Although Stephanie wants to support her husband, the fact he’s never mentioned he was previously married, let alone the fact his wife died, has her questioning if she even knows her husband. As Erica blows through their lives—and the lives of others—, leaving a path of destruction, Patrick realizes he’s in jeopardy of losing everything and Stephanie must figure out how to protect her twins.

While this was a quick read (two sittings) it wasn’t the best book that I’ve read and, honestly, felt like a waste of time.

I had so many questions.

-In the age of Google/Social Media, how did Stephanie not know about Patrick’s past marriage or the death of his wife? Didn’t she look him up before she married him?

-They spent so much time complaining about the sleep deprivation but never once thought of hiring the nanny even though they had the money to do so.

-Erica is blackmailing an alarming amount of people, why didn’t anyone go to cops? Yes, they had secrets but Erica definitely wasn’t on the straight and narrow so I’m fairly sure the cops could have sorted out what was going on.  

-Do they not carry out any type of forensic testing? At all?

It was a little hard to get past all the above and throw in the fact the entire middle of the book was just Stephanie complaining and going back and forth about did he or didn’t he murder his wife. Honestly, the guy was pretty shady, how did she not pick up on that? Then there was the trial, which was basically a waste of time, which perfectly sums up this book.

Let’s not forget the outrageous ending, which sealed the fate of this one for me.

Overall, I’m really hard-pressed to recommend this one, and feel like a 2.5 is a bit too high of a rating (I’ll probably rate it down to a 2) but it was a quick read and while it’s not my cup of tea, I do feel that certain readers will enjoy this one. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

A Death at the Party by Amy Stuart

Nadine Walsh’s summer garden party is in full swing. The neighbors all have cocktails, the catered food is exquisite—everything’s going according to plan.


But Nadine—devoted wife, loving mother, and doting daughter—finds herself standing over a dead body in her basement while her guests clink glasses upstairs. What happened? How did it come to this?


Rewind to that morning, when Nadine is in her kitchen, making last-minute preparations before she welcomes more than a hundred guests to her home to celebrate her mother’s birthday. But her husband is of little help to her, her two grown children are consumed with their own concerns, and her mother—only her mother knows that today isn’t just a birthday party. It marks another anniversary as well.


Still, Nadine will focus just on tonight. Everyone deserves a celebration after the year they’ve had. A chance for fun. A chance to forget. But it’s hard to forget when Nadine’s head is swirling with secrets, haunting memories, and concerns about what might happen when her guests unite.

  Publisher: Simon and Schuster |  Genre: Domestic Suspense/Thriller | Source: Purchased  | Rating: 3.5 (rated down to 3)

I’m not typically a fan of Amy Stuart’s writing style (I DNF’d her Still series) but I ended up picking this one up as part of a buy one get one half off sale as it was the only other book on the table that I hadn’t read. Knowing this was a title I probably wouldn’t pick up willingly, I popped the title in my TBR jar and it ended up being my pick for April. I have to say, I’m glad I gave this one a go.

The book starts with Nadine standing over a dead body in her basement while her mother’s 60th birthday garden party is going on. We don’t know if she’s the killer, if the person was murdered, or who the person is. The book then rewinds Nadine’s day and shows the events leading up to the ordeal in the basement. As we’re shown the events of the day, we’re also treated to flashbacks of her aunt, who died tragically when she was teenager and Nadine was a child. Along the way, secrets are both concealed and revealed.

There’s a lot going on in the book and there’s a lot of characters—and secrets—to keep track of, which I didn’t mind as I feel it gave the book a bit of depth.

The story is told stream of conscience style through Nadine’s POV and that woman has a lot on her plate. Not only is she keeping her own secrets, she’s keeping the secrets of others as well as planning a grand birthday party for her mother. She also has all eyes on her, as her mother is a famous author. While I’m not a fan of Nadine (she had an affair with a neighbor who happens to be one of her husband’s best friends and while she claims it’s over she’s upset by the fact he’s now married with a child) I do feel sorry for her as she has a lot of emotional weight she has to carry.

Obviously there’s a mystery—the dead person in basement—but there’s also a few other mysteries intertwined. Nadine’s trying to remember/discover what happened to her aunt on the same night 30 years ago. There’s also a bit of a mystery surrounding the hospitalization of River (Nadine’s daughters friend). Even though the book takes place in one day, I felt that great attention was paid to each and every detail as the puzzle pieces came together.  

I’m generally a fan of these types of books where the death is in the beginning then the previous events unfold as the book progresses but this one was a bit different as it takes place in one day and told through one person’s POV. Think Mrs. Dalloway but with murder. While this one was a bit slow in places (did we really need to know every little detail of her day right down to which cheeses she ordered for the party?), I found it to be a quick read (two sittings, would have been one if I hadn’t had to leave for an event).

I rated this one a 3.5 but I would have to round down to a 3 for the simple fact I wanted more from the ending. There’s a few strings of the plot that seemed out of place and while they didn’t pull me out of the story, they did bog the plot down in places.

Overall, if you’re looking for a domestic suspense/thriller I do recommend this one. It’s not one of the best that I’ve read but it was still a decent read.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The House at Sea’s End (Ruth Galloway Mystery #3) by Elly Griffiths

Just back from maternity leave, Ruth is finding it hard to juggle motherhood and work. The presence of DCI Harry Nelson—the married father of her daughter, Kate—does not help. The bones turn out to be about seventy years old, which leads Nelson and Ruth to the war years, a desperate time on this stretch of coastland. Home Guard veteran Archie Whitcliffe reveals the existence of a secret that the old soldiers have vowed to protect with their lives. But then Archie is killed and a German journalist arrives, asking questions about Operation Lucifer, a plan to stop a German invasion, and a possible British war crime. What was Operation Lucifer? And who is prepared to kill to keep its secret?

 Series: Ruth Galloway Mystery #3 | Publisher: Mariner | Genre: Mystery | Source: Publisher | Rating: 3

This is the third installment in the Ruth Galloway Mysteries and, while it was a good read, it wasn’t one of my favorites in the series.

When bones are discovered in the side of a cliff on a Norfolk beach, Ruth is the first person that’s called in to excavate and examine the bones. While she’s struggling to balance work and motherhood, things are made complicated by how close she’ll be to DCI Nelson (the father of her daughter) as they work this case together. When it’s discovered that the bones date to WWII, they find themselves trying to unravel the secrets of the past from local lore. When a German journalist arrives in Norfolk asking questions about Operation Lucifer and a member of the Home Guard is found dead, they find themselves with more questions than answers.

The House at Sea’s End was a quick read, I had read over half the book before I realized it, but it didn’t captivate me.

Like the previous books, this one dives straight into the mystery as the bones are discovered within the first few pages. The mystery is layered and it takes a while to unravel as they sort between local lore, old newspaper clippings, and past recollections. There’s a lot of research that’s needed as there’s few locals who are still alive that had an affiliation with the Home Guard. They also need to sort out the death of Archie Whitcliffe, which is tricky as his grandson is Nelson’s boss.

While the mysteries were intriguing, they didn’t capture my attention as the previous books had and I think that’s to do with the fact this book deals with a more modern mystery. The previous books dealt with ancient discoveries mixed with modern mysteries and I think that’s more my cup of tea. I also wasn’t a fan of the addition of Tatjana (Ruth’s friend from her time spent working in Bosnia). While I do understand the way this storyline was used, I just felt it bogged down the plot rather than enhance the story.

What I did enjoy in this book were the characters. There’s a lot going in the personal lives of the characters and I’ve been enjoying watching the devolvement’s they’re making. Ruth’s learning the ropes of motherhood and she’s getting out of her comfort zone and making friends with some of the women in the police force. Nelson is bonding with Kate, which was nice to see. We’re also learning more about Shona, Judy, and Cathbad. There’s a lot of connections being made and that allows for so many layers to come into play within the plot.

The one thing that I’m not a fan of in this series is the amount of affairs that goes on in each book. While I don’t condone cheating, I could see how the events that occurred in the first book led to Ruth and Nelson sleeping together and the connection that they made. What I don’t understand is the random affairs that happen in every book. At this point, it’s starting to feel like a poorly done plot device used to make something seem more interesting or fill in a spot. While I’m not a fan of cheating in books, I can overlook it in this series.

Overall, I had a feeling going into this book that this one wasn’t going to be my favorite and I ended up being right. I found the conclusion to the mystery to be a little lacking and a bit farfetched. While I did have some problems with this one, I still found that I enjoyed the character development and think that it was a worthy addition to the series.